

Monday, October 25, 2010


I am done!! Just some details wich I've forgot on some of the minis! So now ClanVector is almost done! Not really done 'cause I bought a Doomwheel last week!

Lost my first game too, I was very dissapointed! Damn rats!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's finally here, the box I've been waiting for. After spending 30 minutes just looking at the frames I've started undercoat the with Skull White primer.

I'm starting to paint the clanrats with handweapons.
Today I've painted their clothes PINK and undercoated their skin with simple Bestial Brown.
They dont look like my orginal clanrats but they are clanrats painting scheme 2.0

I'm just hoping that I wont get tired painting 40 clanrats more, I almost gave up when I painted the last 20.

But it's the final result wich inspire me. Imagine a force with hundreds of pink dressed rats on the tabletop. That would be a dream.

I bought a unpainted Imperial Guard Catachan Battle force by a friend who had lost his interest in them and was goin' to start an Empire force. (Very good choice indeed)

Pictures will be up soon

Take Care


Friday, August 13, 2010

I pre-ordered Island of Blood today! Awsome!!

I was at my club today and I hoped to paint some skaven, but first I wanted to play a fantasy game against my friend and his dwarfes. It lasted for 4 hours and I lost too.  The first turns was awful and I lost big parts of my Great Swords and my knightly orders! But in turn 4 I finally got lucky and made his warrior and thunders flee over the table. But still lost in the end though!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A break!

The Jungle fighters of The Imperial Guard

All the skavens is at my club so to keep myself in "shape" I've looked over some miniatures and my own "Warhammer World" or at least the glass there I keep my current armys (all old armys are in boxes under the bed, never to be seen again... )
The only army wich I dont keep in the cabinet is the empire army, and that is for two reasons.
1. There are to many minis for one shelf!
2. I'm playing 1 game a week at my club with it, so it's just unnecessary work to place it in the cabinet.
So it's currently in 2 figure cases at the clubhouse.

So, let's add som pictures then!
A Catachan commander, one of my favourite Imperial Guard.

General of The Empire
My newest one, bought earlier this summer.
I absolutely love it!

My glass cabinet with all my current armys

A part of my primary Lotr Force.
Mostly from ThrandĂșils Halls

Monday, August 9, 2010

The table is set, the pieces are moving....

So I started painting the clanrats the other day and I am pretty happy at least with the start of some miniatures.

I've undercoated all of them with skull white primet and I've based all the bases with sand and painted it black -> grey drybrush (not on the pictures though)

So, all miniatures have pink clothes painted only with mixes of skull white and blood red.
The skin is: Bestial Brown and highlight of Snakebite Leather and then a final highlight of Dessert Yellow.

Armour is only Boltgun metal and a wash of badab black.

So the models are painted pretty easy and not very hard to do, I've put broken empire shields on the finished models and I will do other conversions then the whole unit is done.

Next post I will show you my champion which is a pretty cool conversion of different empire parts.

The photos were taken in pretty bad light with a pretty bad camerna, I hope to borrow a friends camera next time so I can  get some better photos.

This is my painting area at home, but most of the time I'm painting at my club. I can show you a photo of that place next time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First Minis


Today I made a visit in Gothenburg and ofcourse to the Games Workshop store.
Since they did'nt have any Empire Greatswords and nothing else I needed to my empire army, I bought some skavens. So I can get a small start before Island of Blood.

One blister with Deathmaster Snikch & a box with 20 clanrats.
As you can se it is Deathmaster Snikch and a box of clanrats, now I'm going to undercoat them with Skull White primer!

Next post I'll show you how I assemble them.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hi fellows


Just making a small post today.
Today I'll probably paint some Empire or an Aragorn-miniature to the painting competetion over at

Please check out my friend Fangdariens blog at !!

Have a good day
